R&D, Materials Control & Engineering
Face global energy crises head-on with world-class R&D and solution designs. Energy America never stops improving its products. Our premium solar modules are the result of our industry-leading technical expertise. It is no coincidence that our solar modules have set numerous world records for efficiency, which shows that our customers place trust in the quality and performance of our products. EA solar modules meet the highest quality standards, are extremely reliable, and achieve outstanding energy yields.
EA Only Delivers Top Quality
Modules from EA are one of the most efficient and profit-yielding on the market worldwide. We offer outstanding power classes and cutting-edge technology. We were one of the first to develop a solution for common module problems such as Hot-Spots and potential-induced degradation (PID).
EA is synonymous with American Engineering and the skill of developing high-quality solar PV solutions. The EA Yield Security guarantees peace of mind regarding PID, Hot-Spots and forgery. EA cell technology with efficiencies of up to 23% proves that we took the next step to a high performance and cost-effective cell generation.